Zion South Chancel Windows

South Chancel

Sprouted Seed



Lord's Supper

Alpha Omega

Christ The King

There are seven panels in this window also:
Bottom left: The seed that falls to the ground and dies bears much fruit (John 12:24). Christ is that seed for us.
Middle left: Christ is risen! Alleluia! He is risen victorious over sin, death and Satan.
Top left: The butterfly is a symbol of the resurrection. As the butterfly bursts forth from its “tomb”, so has Christ burst from the grave in which He was laid.
Top: The chalice with grapes remind us of the Sacrament of the Altar in which Christ comes to serve us with His living Body and Blood joined to humble bread and wine, given for the forgiveness of our sins.
Top right: The Alpha and the Omega symbolize the eternity of the Son of God, who was and is and is to come. In time, Jesus became man, and now in Christ man reigns.
Middle right: The risen, triumphant, ascended Jesus now reigns as king over heaven and earth.
Lower right: The anchor symbolized the Christian’s hope for everlasting life, anchored in Christ’s victory.